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Dietary Supplements: Tuesday, February 1

Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Enjoy!

Did you eat a big breakfast? Well, it might not matter. Researchers say how much or how little you ate doesn’t change how much you consume at other meals.

Other researchers say that merely seeing fast food logos can make us feel time-stressed and impatient.

Gamers playing a car racing video game performed more aggressively behind the wheel of a vehicle with the Red Bull logo. (No drinks were involved).

In the run-up to Sunday's Super Bowl, the snack superlatives start flooding in. Hormel has already sold 40 million feet of pepperoni—enough "to tunnel all the way through the planet Earth."

OvenAlly is a forthcoming web service that will allow people to locate and buy or post and sell homemade meals in their neighborhood. It's still in development, but you can sign up to be notified when it goes live.

Food prices last month remained close to December's record highs, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization economist.

Finally, for today's extra credit: the history of the doggie bag. Apparently ancient Romans brought napkins to dinner in order to wrap leftovers, but the purpose-built doggie bag was invented in the early 1940s, during World War II food shortages. Etiquette experts such as Emily Post were horrified when people started using the bags for leftovers they intended to eat themselves, but today, in an era of portion supersizing and rampant food waste, it's the smart thing to do.

Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Enjoy!

Photo (cc) by Flickr user julia k

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