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Parents learn adopted son has a brother living in an orphanage, quickly make a decision
Troubled son sends deeply personal message to his father, reply is just what was needed
Headmaster called a boy 'worthless' in front of his mom, her response is a thing of legend
Chef pays back rich diner's $1,200 bill after he 'disrespected' his waitress. He then banned them for good
This writer brilliantly explains to Bill Maher why millennials refuse to grow up
Material created in lab by scientists is the most expensive thing on Earth — worth $167 million per gram
Video of farm dog bidding farewell to cows that he herded for 16 years will move you to tears
Child reporter asks Denzel Washington how to become a 'gangster' — gets life-changing advice instead
Mindblowing video shows what it looks like to circle Earth at the speed of light — it takes just 0.13 seconds
Crowd left stunned as athlete sacrifices sure-shot victory to help exhausted brother across the finish line
'Game of Thrones' author shares brutally honest message for 'people pleasers' and we feel attacked
Judge's takes bold stand against racial prejudice after cops charge Black man with possession of marijuana
Cosmonaut who spent a year in space shares what he missed the most about Earth
Former professor donates $1 billion to make college free for all students
Solicitor explains what happens to inheritance if someone dies without a will
Mom moved to tears after stepson makes unusual request during adoption case: 'Can I say something?'
Brother searched football field to find a button for little sister. So she got it sewed on her wedding dress
Fourth-grade teacher debunks the claim that teachers only work '8 to 9 months per year'
Ronaldo stood up to bullies who mocked a Japanese boy for trying to speak in Portuguese
Teacher uses simple band-aid experiment to show students why they can’t be treated equally
Stranger finds incredibly moving note from mom inspiring her son to read tucked in old second-hand book
Video of family celebrating adopted boy's birthday shows how healthy relationships are nurtured
Nigerians are using plastic bottles to build earthquake-proof homes and it's being hailed as revolutionary
Panic-stricken woman called 911 and ordered pizza leaving the operator confused. Then it hit him.
Brilliant graphic shows how couples have traditionally met. The internet definitely changed the dating game.