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New Greeting Card Line Changes How People Deal with Cancer

They can be funny, supportive, or just brutally honest

Traditionally, greeting cards have been a socially-acceptable way to acknowledge others’ accomplishments, celebrate holidays, and express sympathy. But when the event is as serious as cancer, cards often miss the point, leaving the recipient feeling isolated.

Until recently, a Los Angeles–based designer, Emily McDowell, launched a line of Empathy Cards to help people honestly express their feelings to a loved one with cancer. They also provide real sentiments that people with cancer long to hear. McDowell calls them a “wonderful line of plain-spoken notes that help to truly connect with someone who is ill.”

“The most difficult part of my illness wasn’t losing my hair, or being erroneously called ‘sir’ by Starbucks baristas, or sickness from chemo,” McDowell says on her website. “It was the loneliness and isolation I felt when many of my close friends and family members disappeared because they didn’t know what to say, or said the absolute wrong thing without realizing it.”

These cards can help facilitate meaningful conversations and foster real connections in tumultuous times.

According to McDowell, “With Empathy Cards, my goal is to help people connect with each other through truth and insight, which is one of the founding principles of this brand. I want the recipients of these cards to feel seen, understood, and loved.

This card shows you how to be there for an ailing friend.

They can also be funny.

Or just plain honest.

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