Davey Rogner


Permaculturalists and a Buddhist Monk Are Walking the Keystone XL Pipeline

The construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline’s southern leg is underway in Oklahoma and Texas. Depending on your worldview, extracting oil is...

The construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline’s southern leg is underway in Oklahoma and Texas. Depending on your worldview, extracting oil is either a boon for jobs and industry, or it’s the most potent symbol of ecocide within industrial culture. Those who believe most strongly that climate change and freedom from oil are of the utmost concern for national security and energy independence have been putting their bodies and freedom on the line to blockade the building of the pipeline. Many others, whose lives are presently supported by the extraction of crude oil and natural gas in North America have been hard at work lobbying our government officials to permit the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and to even charge these peaceful, but persistent activists as terrorists.

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