bachelor party


The Sad Truth About "Dadchelor Parties"

The rise of "Daddy's last hurrah" reveals a depressing truth about modern parenthood.

Apparently, dadchelor parties are a thing. They’re pretty much like bachelor parties, except the person getting rowdy is about to be father, not a groom. A dude who recently attended one of these soirees called it a "farewell from the inner circle." They can also be called daddymoons and man-showers, and according to The Huffington Post, they’re becoming increasingly popular.

There are many jokes to be made here (Jezebel made most of them), but Carley Roney of says it's a sign that dads are taking their role seriously. Still, she mainly frames “dadchelor” parties as a wistful send-off before parenthood's impending social isolation. She chalks up the parties to younger generations’ willingness to talk (and commiserate) about the challenges of parenting:

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