black markets


Could 3-D Printed Rhino Horns Put Poachers Out of Business?

This biotech company says they can stem a black market that is wiping out rhinos. So why are conservationists so mad at them?

Illustration by Tom Eichacker

Within just a few short years, 3-D printing has gone from a little known technology with limited novelty potential for mass consumers to one of the most revolutionary technologies of our times. In recent months, evangelists of the manufacturing technique have scored public relations coups by promising to create superior and cost-effective everything—from prosthetic limbs to luxury cars to sex toys. Now, over the past few weeks, the 3-D printing hype machine has taken one more giant leap by promising to mend a seemingly inescapable modern wound: Some entrepreneurs believe they can staunch the crisis of rhino poaching by printing fake horns.

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