Pixel Paintings Fit for Hanging
Notorious for embracing new technologies and mediums, it should come as no surprise that David Hockney's latest work explores app-assisted creation.
"Hockney thinks his current exhibition may be the first one that's ever been 100 percent e-mailed to a gallery," says NPR's Susan Stamberg.
Notorious for embracing new technologies and mediums, it should come as no surprise that the seventy-three year old's latest work explores our increasingly application-assisted culture. Fresh Flowers is a vibrant collection of pixelated stills created and displayed on iPhones and iPads.
Hockney began painting without painting on his iPhone—and later his iPad—with an app called Brushes, and e-mailing the images to friends. Two years later, the resulting exhibition graces the walls of the gallery.
One wall at the gallery is hung with 20 iPhones; a second wall carries 20 iPads. (The Berge-St. Laurent Foundation paid for all the devices — it's not an Apple-backed effort, it says.)
All the gadgets are turned on 24 hours a day, and from time to time Hockney e-mails a new work to one of them — a kind of artistic status update.
The show, called "Fresh Flowers," closes at the end of January. And then, installation designer Ali Tayar says, all the art will disappear."
While these images may very well disappear, Hockney's influence on app-assisted art will not soon be forgotten.
Have you painted without painting lately?