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cap and trade



Help Make Our Next Magazine: The Energy Issue

We are planning out next issue and we want your help! Hear about what the magazine will tackle, and let us know in the comments what we're missing.


The Numbers Don't Lie: The Elections Weren't a Referendum on the Climate Bill Midterm Elections Not Referendum on Climate Policy, Statistics Say

You'd think by reading the headlines that the Democrats' attempt to create climate change legislation directly caused the massive power shift in the House. It didn't.


Just How Bad Were the Midterms for Climate and the Environment?

Nobody was expecting the midterm elections to be good for the climate and clean energy cause. And they certainly were not.


Everyone Agreed About Climate Change This Week (UPDATED)

All of a sudden, a commentators from across the political spectrum agree on what we have to do next now that cap and trade is dead.


Cap and Trade Isn't Dead, But the Term Might Be

As Brian Merchant at Treehugger explains, cap and trade isn't dead, despite reports in the media: I consider the New York Times to be the paper...


Cap-and-trade Needs a New Name. What Should It Be?

President Obama gathered Senators from both sides of the aisle yesterday to talk about how to move forward on a comprehensive climate and energy...


We're Getting a New Climate Bill

This is interesting news: Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) have been working for months behind...


What's This in the Budget? Cap and Dividend?

I've been increasingly enthused about the idea of "cap and dividend" climate change legislation. In short, a cap and dividend policy would first...


California Might Give Pollution Permit Cash Back to the People

California is pushing ahead with a new system to regulate carbon emissions. Come 2012, utilities, refineries, and other industrial polluters won't...


Let the Anti-cap-and-trade Protests Begin

Right now in New York, the annual carbon trading summit is unfolding. Naturally, protests are in tow, and today, Reverend Billy,...


Cap and Tirade: Hansen and Krugman Can't Agree

NASA scientist James Hansen and lefty economist Paul Krugman both want to save the planet from disastrous climate change, but can't quite agree on...


Best of TreeHugger: 350 Around the World, the Car That Stops for People, and the Footprint of Meat is Heavier Than We Thought

Windmill wunderkind William Kamkwamba is a big star on TreeHugger, at GOOD, and, it seems, everywhere else these days. When we...