climate impacts


New Maps Show Sea Level Rise Submerging America's Coastal Cities

We have the first detailed look at the prospective impacts of rising sea levels on our nation's low-lying coastal cities, and it isn't pretty.

"Sea level rise gives climate change an address." That's Climate Central's Ben Strauss talking about the importance of sea level rise in better communicating the threat of climate change to the public.

Strauss worked with University of Arizona scientists Jeremy Weiss and Jonathan Overpeck, to create a map of sea level rise's potential effects on low-lying, developed coastal areas. (The paper, "Implications of Recent Sea Level Rise Science for Low-Elevation Areas in Coastal Cities of the Conterminous U.S.A.," will be published this week in Climatic Change Letters.) Their findings: Rising sea levels will likely inundate 9 percent of the land within 180 American cities by the end of the century.

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