

Why Is San Francisco Planning to Dump Bleach in the Bay?

San Francisco plans to dump 27 million pounds of bleach into its sewers this summer. Greener options exist so why isn't the city considering them?

San Francisco's green policies put them at the top of the list of cities engaged in environmental innovation. The city is investing millions to improve stormwater management and wastewater infrastructure. It's created the first large scale urban collection of food scraps for composting in the country. So why is the Public Utilities Commission planning to dump bleach into the city's sewer system this summer?

When the weather gets warmer in this temperate city, it causes what's commonly referred to as "rotten egg" smell. The bleach is meant to combat the stink. But we're not talking a few capfuls but 27 milion pounds of bleach in an effort that would cost the cash-starved city $14 million. Why such drastic (and expensive) measures?

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