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gas prices



As Gas Prices Hit a Record High This Weekend, How to Keep Fuel Costs Down

You're not the only one feeling pain at the pump this weekend. But the best way to keep fuel costs down isn't drilling.


Infographic: Offshore Drilling and Oil Subsidies Don't Impact Gas Prices

High gas prices are being used to make the case to preserve Big Oil tax breaks and expand offshore drilling. Here's why neither makes a difference.


It's Official: Oil Subsidies Don't Keep Gas Prices Down

Oil CEOs are in Washington, D.C. today, defending the $4 billion they get in government subsidies. Thing is, that cash doesn't make gas any cheaper.


House Passes Offshore Drilling Legislation, But It Won't Lower Gas Prices at All

Even George W. Bush's economics adviser says that the act passed today in the House won't bring down the price of gas.


Chart: Even More Proof We Can't Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices

This chart totally debunks the GOP's false claim that the President's policies have anything to do with gas prices.


Even Fossil Fuel-Friendly EIA Says Massive Expansion of Offshore Drilling Won't Lower Gas Prices

The cold, hard facts on why "Drill, baby, drill" is a canard, and why increasing our cars' fuel efficiency is a much better way to lower gas prices.

Submissions: Take a Picture of Your Local Gas Prices

Which is your favorite gas station image?


Winner Announced: Crowdsourced Gas Prices Project

In March, we asked you, the GOOD community, to send us photos of your local gas prices. See the winning picture inside.


HSBC Bombshell: Oil Will Run Out in 50 Years

This isn't your typical peak oil nut job. The world's second largest bank is warning that there could be as little as 50 years of oil left.


Chart: It's Impossible to Reduce Our Dependence on Foreign Oil with Domestic Drilling

It's simple: The only way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is to reduce our dependence on all oil.


Chart: Why $4-Per-Gallon Gas Is Damn Cheap

Even at $4-per-gallon, American gasoline is damn cheap compared to most of the world. See how much drivers in other countries shell out per gallon.


Project: Take a Picture of Your Local Gas Prices

We need your help. Send us a picture of how much gas costs in your neighborhood.


Gas Prices Are Going Up, Folks

Ever since that incredible summer of $4 gas, prices have been quietly creeping up again. In the next few weeks, they'll hit two-year highs.


Which States Suffer When Gas Prices Rise?

On the heels of my post about gas prices and rural America, here's a map showing how much people would be spending on gas if prices spiked to 2008...


High Gas Prices and Rural America

Which states get hit hardest by high gas prices? The rural ones. From Reuters: The five states that are most vulnerable to the higher fuel prices...


The Price of Gas and the Cars We Buy

Back in 2007, everyone was talking about the "pain at the pump." But did that change what people drive? This infographic by Chris Svetlik looks at...