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it gets better



Video: Re-Teaching Gender and Sexuality

It's not enough for things to "get better." Put This on the Map wants to transform the national dialogue concerning sexuality and gender.


The History of the Word Bully Bully: A Vicious, Cowardly Word With a Long History

What the history of the word can tell us about the (unfortunately) hot topic of bullying.


It Gets Better: President Obama Edition

Here's the newest contribution, by President Obama, to the "It Gets Better" campaign to comfort, support, and inspire young victims of gay-bullying.


Google's It Gets Better

Google employees make an "It Gets Better" video. Good for Google.


Watch Texas Councilman Tell Gay Teens "It Gets Better"

Since last Tuesday, more than 1.5 million viewers have watched Joel Burns, a young, openly gay Texas city councilman tell teens "it gets better."