copyright law


There’s A New Weapon In The Fight Against Revenge Porn: Copyrighted Breasts

With insufficient legal leverage to fight revenge porn, some victims turn to the Library of Congress for help

image via cnn screenshot

Revenge porn is one of the more insidious realities of our increasingly digitized, ever-interconnected lives. While law enforcement has made an effort to crack down on the worst offenders—kingpins like Is Anyone Up? founder Hunter Moore, and UGotPosted owner Kevin Bollaert—the viral nature of revenge porn ensures that as long as there are people taking what they assume will be private pictures of themselves, other people will attempt to post those images on the internet without permission. But although it may be impossible to ever fully stem the tide of of nonconsensual nudes posted online, that hasn’t stopped some victims of revenge porn from taking creative measures to protect themselves from digital exploitation.

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