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Let's face it: Online ads are eyesores-even when they don't suddenly become animate and seize control of your screen. To our rescue comes a conceptual artist named Steve Lambert, with an idea to spread art at the cost of advertisers. "I've always had an eye for ads, but wondered why they were there,"..


Jackson 5-0

With a long-awaited long weekend just a few hours away, we're sure a few of you will hear some Michael Jackson smash hits at a BBQ soon. Today also happens be his 50th birthday. Though the King of Pop's career is near kaput (we said it), his brush with a different five-oh still warrants our undivided..


Agitprop And The Flip Side Of Anger

As North Korea threatens to recommence nuclear activity, we thought this photo essay of their state-sponsored propaganda posters was a...


The Unbearable Lightness Of Being

There's nothing like some wondrous photography to sate your anticipation between DNC bulletins. PSFK points us to the absolutely awesome work of Cenci Goepel and Jens Warnecke. For their Lightmark series, the two gallivant across the globe to shoot some sublime photographs, enhanced by their expert use..


Flattening The World

Mother Jones spent a year gathering, grouping, and evaluating our military activity around the globe for their massive (and ongoing) dossier,...


Tagging Our Guys And Gals

Before we mention Ray Bradbury and his speculative fiction, here's the fantasist in a futuristic commercial for Sunsweet's "Prune of Tomorrow." It's some astute and amusing casting on the brand's part. Anyways, last week featured an overwhelming spate of scientific announcements and advancements-hitherto,..


Don't Mess With Texas (Teachers)

We just posted GOOD 12: The Education Issue for your perusal. Here are a few outside stories to keep you in the scholastic mindset:- In case you missed our previous mention: this fall, a Texas school district will allow teachers the right to bear arms. The district's superintendent justifies his life-and-death..


Rating Running Mates

While we wait for Obama's game-changing text, CNN educates us with a list of the best and worst vice president picks since Harry Truman's right hand man, Alben Barkley. Traditionally, the ticket add-ons contribute more than just a pretty face, whether it's supplementing the campaign with a state's support..


Lords of the Rings

The Japanese have a yen for the gold medal in Judo. Fencing has been an idée fixe for the French. In honor of the XXIX Olympiad, we take a look at a few Olympic events and the countries that love them. An original GOOD Video..\r\n


Crazy 8/8

Pythagoras was right. The Greek polymath once said that everything is numbers. Today-and presumably on 9/9/09 and so on-we thank him for his foresight. In that spirit, we scoured our internets for anything with the right angle for a Friday afternoon, or just anything eight-related. Here's what our brief..


The 180s Of The 2008 Campaign

Besides continuing to depict Obama as a press-seeking celebrity, McCain and his people have also been referring to their opponent as a flip-flopper-the epithet that deflated Kerry's campaign. Of course, the Obama camp has reciprocated the rancor by highlighting some of McCain's switcheroos.With all this..


Dot Your I

In this past weekend's New York Times Magazine, Caroline Winter asked an elementary question: "why do we capitalize the word ‘I'?"Winter digs up some etymology, dissects the evolution of the monolithic majuscule, and comes to the conclusion that the capital "I" doesn't let us see eye to eye. Whereas..\n


Free Olympic Tickets!

Rather than eBay away his Olympic tickets, GOOD friend John Britton has decided to refresh the world with a bit of charity. John is offering 3 pairs of free tickets for the equestrian events in Hong Kong on August 9. The pay-it-forward catch: you have to think of a good deed to do and post about it on..