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Free Olympic Tickets!

Rather than eBay away his Olympic tickets, GOOD friend John Britton has decided to refresh the world with a bit of charity. John is offering 3 pairs of free tickets for the equestrian events in Hong Kong on August 9. The pay-it-forward catch: you have to think of a good deed to do and post about it on..

Rather than eBay away his Olympic tickets, GOOD friend John Britton has decided to refresh the world with a bit of charity. John is offering 3 pairs of free tickets for the equestrian events in Hong Kong on August 9. The pay-it-forward catch: you have to think of a good deed to do and post about it on his blog. He suggests a few altruistic acts: a micro-loan to our partner Kiva, hosting a CouchSurfing traveler, or subscribing to some magazine. Or just try something new.

The 3 winners will be announced on August 6 and will have 24 hours to claim their golden ticket.