NFL Cheerleaders Offer To Settle Discrimination Claims If Goodell Will Meet With Them ?"It's an issue of power. You see a disparate treatment between the cheerleaders and the mascots and anyone else who works for the team.”Robert SilvermanApr 27, 2018
32-Year-Old Lakers Player Puts Up Historic Night In Debut After Spending 10 Years In The Minors The part-time math tutor holds the record for longest time spent in minors.Robert SilvermanApr 12, 2018
Will LeBron James Dump The Cavaliers Over Trump? Finding an NBA owner who doesn’t support Trump won’t be easy.Robert SilvermanApr 06, 2018
An NBA Owner Spoke Out On Police Shootings After Protests Delayed Game “Your boy could be out in the yard and somebody shoots him, how horrific is that?”Robert SilvermanMar 26, 2018
Former 49er Claims He’s Being Blackballed After Kneeling With Kaepernick Eric Reid feels he is being punished for activism.Robert SilvermanMar 19, 2018
NFL Owner Promised Players Would Stand For Anthem But Then Backtracked Behind closed doors, the Dolphins and Texans promise to enforce standing.Robert SilvermanMar 07, 2018
Here’s What The Golden State Warriors Did Instead Of Visiting The White House “I want the players to have a good day and to do something positive and to enjoy what they're doing.”Robert SilvermanMar 01, 2018
Eagles’ Victory Proves That Activism Is Not A Distraction It’s time to put that falsehood to rest.Robert SilvermanFeb 06, 2018
Cleveland Baseball Team Removes Racist Logo From Uniforms But Chief Wahoo isn’t completely disappearing.Robert SilvermanJan 30, 2018
College Athletes Raise Awareness After Player Suicide “We feel like we can't express our emotions because we're in a masculine sport.”Robert SilvermanJan 29, 2018
Gay Olympian Adam Rippon Slams Inclusion Of Mike Pence On U.S. Delegation “I wouldn’t go out of my way to meet somebody like that.”Robert SilvermanJan 19, 2018
Jacksonville Jaguars Give 1,000 Playoff Tickets To Refugees The team is also providing tickets to local military personnel.Robert SilvermanJan 05, 2018
Turkish Government Threatens New York Knicks Player With 4 Years In Prison Enes Kanter promises he won’t back down.Robert SilvermanJan 02, 2018
Kaepernick’s Visit To Riker’s Island Sparks Controversy “This will only encourage inmates to continue to attack Correction Officers at a time when we need more protection.”Robert SilvermanDec 16, 2017
Activists Use Expert Prank To Show Redskins How Easy It Would Be To Change Racist Name “Keep that brief moment of joy you had upon reading the news to keep fighting against their racist mascot.”Robert SilvermanDec 14, 2017
Sports Unions Join The Labor Fight At Vox All four professional league unions have voiced their support.Robert SilvermanDec 09, 2017
The NFL’s Plan To Donate $89 Million In Hopes Of Ending Anthem Protests Is Causing A Player Rift The announcement has caused resignations from the Players Coalition.Robert SilvermanDec 01, 2017