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food studies



Food Studies: What Happens When You Quit Pre-Med to Become a Farmer?

From pre-med to Greenpeace activist to farmer: Arianne McGinnis wants to make a new system instead of opposing or fixing the existing ones.


Food Studies: Grow-Your-Own Pizza in New Haven

Despite the culinary delights of Switzerland, Josh hurries back from break to make the first pizza of spring. Bonus photo of a cute asparagus tip!


Food Studies: What's on the Label, and What Isn't?

Analyzing the nutritional information on a cereal box reveals a lot of misinformation, especially the daily recommended intake.


Food Studies: What I've Learned By Washing Down Organic Food With Diet Coke

Erin and her classmates cook with both farmers' market vegetables and Crisco. What does that have to do with larger questions of poverty and obesity?


Food Studies: Haute Cuisine Time Trials

An evening of intense drills at the French Culinary Institute results in a glue-y Roux, perfect short ribs, and another step toward a chef's toque.


Food Studies: The Trouble with Land-Grant Universities

150 years ago, the government founded land-grant universities to keep agriculture alive in the U.S. What should they be teaching today?


Food Studies: What You Don't Know About Iodine, the Element of the Moment

How iodine tablets protect against radiation, iodine-laced cattle feed, and "chop-and-die" cassava: Exploring the complex chemistry of iodine.


Food Studies: How to Make Seitan From Scratch

In which Michele, our intrepid Food Studies blogger, reveals the secret to the best veggie burger of your life (and toned upper arms to boot).


Food Studies: The Four Reasons People Choose a Restaurant

When dining out is your homework: In a Food Entrepreneurship class at NYU, Megan is learning what it takes to get people to choose your restaurant.


Food Studies: Farmers' Market Ethnography

In which Erin, cupcake baker turned gastronomy student, leaves the safety of the library to conduct on-the-ground food stamp research.


Food Studies: Re-Evolving Table Manners

Design Management MFA Leslie Marticke wonders whether Slow Food chapters help our fast food culture rediscover lost dining traditions.


Food Studies: Meet Josh, Part of the Yale Sustainable Food Project

GOOD's next Food Studies blogger is a junior at Yale, where he makes his own vanilla extract in between writing papers on Imperial Roman cookbooks.


Food Studies: Serious Knife Skills

How many ways can you slice a carrot? A lot—but at the French Culinary Institute, only one is correct.


Food Studies: Meet Amy, Who Quit Her High-Flying Job to Study Nutrition

GOOD's Food Studies series expands overseas, with the career-changing Amy, who is studying to become a National Health Service Dietitian.


Food Studies: Meet Claire, Who Combines Her MFA in Creative Writing with a Minor in Sustainable Agriculture

GOOD's sixth Food Studies blogger is Claire, who's reporting on propane-powered weed torches and baby-plant spaceships from snowy Minnesota.


Food Studies: Meet Michele, Training to Be a Chef at the Natural Gourmet Institute

GOOD's fifth Food Studies blogger has just started her chef training at the Natural Gourmet Institute, specializing in health-supportive foods.