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climate crisis
Scientific American to use the term 'climate emergency' in magazine's future coverage
The upcoming election isn't just about the next four years, but the next 10,000
More than 115 groups call on the next president to take climate justice action 'from day one'
Jane Goodall: Humanity will be 'finished' after Covid-19 unless we change our ways
416 PPM: Carbon in atmosphere hits new record high and no one is talking about it
We're finally starting to take climate change seriously, survey finds
UN says climate change disasters are occurring at a rate of one a week, and we need to start preparing
By switching out this single household item, you could save money and the planet
Italy will require kids learn about climate change in school starting in 2020
Can we re-freeze the Arctic? Scientists are trying to figure out how.
Climate change is unearthing artifacts from melting glaciers
New study finds whales might be our best defense against climate change
A report on climate change is calling to ban frequent flyer miles
Here's the best place in America to live to dodge the oncoming climate catastrophe
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is an evangelical Christian climate scientist — and a breath of fresh air
Greta Thunberg inspires while Donald Trump is mocked at the UN Climate Summit
Youth activists gather to fight climate change at UN Summit: 'We need to transform anger into action'
25 of the funniest signs from the global Climate Strike
Greta Thunberg urges people to turn to nature to combat climate change
Greta Thunberg's Greatest Hits: 10 times the teen activist unflinchingly spoke truth to power