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Education: Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup: From the Los Angeles Times: Federal suit planned against UC over ban on affirmative action Activists...

Morning Roundup:

From the Los Angeles Times: Federal suit planned against UC over ban on affirmative action
Activists challenge Proposition 209, charging that the 1996 law on university admissions violates right to equal protection under the Constitution.

From the Los Angeles Times: Counselors have reservations about university waiting lists
CSU, UC may only be raising anxiety for students who have a slim chance of being accepted, advisors say.

From The Washington Post: Schools face big budget holes as stimulus runs out
The nation's public schools are falling under severe financial stress as states slash education spending and drain federal stimulus money that staved off deep classroom cuts and widespread job losses.

From the Boston Globe: Homeless in High School
Help is hard to find for a rising tide of displaced students 18 and over.

From The New York Times: At Bronx Vocational School, Concern Over Plan for Charter
Citing academic failures, the city has proposed closing the construction trade program at Alfred E. Smith Career and Technical Education High School, a 78-year-old vocational school in the South Bronx. Supporters of Smith, the Bronx's only high school with state-approved construction trade programs, fear its technical shops will suffer under the charter school's management and wonder why the city would eliminate an established school only to put an untested school in its place.

Photo via The White House's Flickr Photostream.

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