Pamela Littky's "Extended Stay" is a short documentary about Jim Jenson, a Texan who left home to pursue what he felt was his true...
Pamela Littky's "Extended Stay" is a short documentary about Jim Jenson, a Texan who left home to pursue what he felt was his true calling–acting–after being enlisted as an extra during a local taping of "Dallas".
Sixteen years later his career has failed to take off; he makes his living as a foot soldier in the army of Hollywood extras. The documentary provides a fascinating insight into the world of workaday extras and Jenson (who took this stage name from his favorite backpack manufacturer) embodies their collective optimism-teetering-on-heartbreak. He's more than a little naïve, extremely goofy, and ultimately bullish on the future.
Littky's film packs a full Ross McElwee-style cinema verité feature into six-odd minutes. Head to her "Directors Reel" to check it out.