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Super Bowl Commercial Awards

While most Super Bowl match-ups quickly fade to sideshow status, we have to admit that yesterday's contest actually lived up to the hype. Yet despite a game worth watching (Oh, did you hear? It was an upset), there was a whole slew of $2.7 million 30-second spots worth subjectively ranking. Our awards:

First place: FedEx and their enormous carrier pigeons. Watch it. No explanation can do this justice... they're enormous carrier pigeons.

Second place: Audi's Godfather spoof-instead of a horse's head, the grill of a classic car is spewing oil in the sheets of a rich man's bed as he wakes up. (Even more style points: the tycoon in the commercial played Moe Greene in The Godfather).

Third place: "A Night at the Roxbury" gone sleepy...until everyone drinks their Diet Pepsi Max, gets revitalized, and starts head-bobbing at a flustered Chris Kattan.

Notable Mentions:
*Shaq as horse jockey (Vitamin Water)
*Naomi Campbell and a gaggle of CG lizards dancing to "Thriller" (SoBe Life Water)
*Justin Timberlake dragged through the street (Pepsi Stuff)
*(Tie) A screaming squirrel nearly gets hit by a car, only to have the calm driver swerve out of the way thanks to his Bridgestone tires (Another Bridgestone commercial has the driver calmly avoid a deer, Alice Cooper, and Richard Simmons)

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