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Less Shop, More Share: Yerdle One-ups Freecycle With Sharing Circles

New sharing site Yerdle enables friends to easily share goods and services amongst themselves.


Spinlister: Bikesharing By the People, For the People

If you're traveling in a city without a bikeshare, you might find yourself in the market for a rental bike that isn't a total rental bike.


Deep Pockets: Free Money Day Brings Radical Generosity To a Sidewalk Near You

You don't need to be a bank robber to shower strangers with no-strings-attached cash.


21st Century Hitchhiking: Social Carpooling Launches on East Coast

California’s leading carpool company is now bi-coastal. Zimride is now trying to steal away passengers from Chinatown buses up and down the Northeast.


Get Paid to Ignore Your Car for Months at a Time

Getaround will promise you at least $1,000 if you let them rent out your car for three months. So, go on, take a vacation.


GOOD Maker Finalists: Unconventional Lending Libraries

Have more, own less. That’s the ethos behind the online communities helping people lend and exchange the stuff collecting dust in their garages.


Spring Cleaning: Better Ways to Sell Your Stuff

Calling all closet entrepreneurs: Your trash may be someone else's treasure.


The GOOD 100 Challenge: $1,000 for a Project to Promote Sharing

We want you to tell us how you’re improving your community by sharing, lending, or freely giving something of value to others.


Lessons From the End of the Free Starbucks Card Experiment (UPDATED) Jonathan's Card Starbucks Sharing Experiment Shut Down

You can't use his Starbucks card to get free coffee anymore, but Jonathan's card inspired a community of sharing that will carry on.


GiftFlow: When Collaborative Consumption Isn't Enough, Try Collaborative Production GiftFlow Wants to Build Local Economies Around Sharing

It's like eBay and CouchSurfing had a kid—a way to build community and reduce waste by sharing freely with your neighbors.


Donate Your Time (or Share Your Tools) for the L.A. River's Day of Service

We've teamed up with NeighborGoods to help anyone share tools for this weekend's massive river clean-up, taking place at 14 locations in the city.


NeighborGoods Makes It Easier to Share Your Stuff With Groups of Any Size

Now existing groups—businesses, neighborhoods, or even entire cities—can set up private sharing networks with NeighborGoods.


Fifteen Fashion Addicts Quit Shopping for One Year

For the Free Fashion Challenge, 15 unlikely anti-consumers will refrain from buying clothes for one year.


Dead Drops: Flash Drives in City Walls for Random Offline File Sharing

Dead Drops fastens USB flash drives to walls, curbs, and buildings around New York and invites strangers to plug-in and share their favorite files.


Where Is This Sharing Trend Going?

According to a new report, people expect to be sharing things like cars, workspace, and household appliances more and more.