Barack Obama seems like a larger than life character this morning. If you're on a certain Barcelona beach, that impression is in fact a reality. New York-based artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada built a mosaic of Obama's face that's bigger than a football field out of sand. The piece, called Expectation, is meant to represent the enormous swell of hope felt by 44's supporters; Rodriguez-Gerada used sand because, he says, that hope could be fleeting. (Though, over the last 12 hours or so, most Americans would say it's been affirmed.)On the smaller side is a project called "nanobama," which creates sculptures of the president-elect that can only be seen via electron and optical microscopes out of carbon nanotubes. The scientists-cum-artists estimate that about 150 million nanotubes go into each piece. The nanobama effort seems to be more of a promotion effort for carbon nanotubes than for the already well known Obama--which researchers say could be used for clean drinking water, in alternative energy efforts, and even in armor-based protection. (Though, we should note that there are safety concerns.)Really, there is no stronger brand to hitch your wagon to right now than Obama's!Via Animal.