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GOOD Maker Winner: Chart Your Own Path to the Finish Line

Try All By Fire will provide a finish line, but believe in allowing everyone to pick their own path and goals to take them to it.

This post is in partnership with CLIF Bar

In May, in honor of National Bike Month and the CLIF Bar 2 Mile Challenge, we asked individuals and nonprofits to share ideas for how they could get their neighbors on bikes. We're happy to announce that the winner as voted by the GOOD community is Try All By Fire from Pennsylvania. Try All By Fire will receive $1,000 to implement their idea.

Try All By Fire will host a unique race event on August 11, 2012 that defines inclusiveness. Rather than traditional races or organized rides with the same course and distance laid out for everyone, participants can choose their own route, whether it's a solo ride through meadows, a group ride up hills, or a relay race on trails.

Try All By Fire will provide the finish line, but believe in allowing everyone to pick their own path and lay out their own goals to take them to it. A lively party at the end of it will welcome everyone into the Try All By Fire "Trybe" with all their fellow finishers who also achieved their end goal.

Want to learn more about GOOD Maker? Drop us a line at maker[at]goodinc[dot]com, sign up for our email list, or check out the current challenges.

Get out of your car and ride your bike in the 2 Mile Challenge. CLIF Bar will donate $1 for every trip you log to bike nonprofits, up to $100,000.

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