Architecture for Humanity, the nonprofit design firm founded by TED Prize laureate Cameron Sinclair, is building a basketball court in Kenya for the new Mahiga Hope High School. It's a striking amazing example of how you can integrate design and construction with a local community and ecology.From Worldchanging:Solar panels on the metal roof of the court will power lights for the entire school complex, while gutters will collect enough rainwater to meet the school's complete H20 needs (an estimated 90,000 liters per year with 30,000 liters of storage), and a UV purifier will make water drinkable for thirsty post-game students.
And, of course, it'll have basketball hoops so the kids can recreate. There's a more on the project from the Open Architecture Network here.UPDATE: Here's the newer image of the court design Michael mentions below.
And, of course, it'll have basketball hoops so the kids can recreate. There's a more on the project from the Open Architecture Network here.UPDATE: Here's the newer image of the court design Michael mentions below.