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Trans Teen’s Daily Selfies Document Four Year Evolution

He’s taken more than 1,500 photos.

Jamie Reines via YouTube

It’s been nearly four years since Jamie Raines had surgery to begin his transition. He started taking testosterone around the same time, capturing a selfie in the mirror each day. After three years, he started speaking out on the process, telling BuzzFeed, “I just wanted something for me to document my transition. I thought I’d take a photo every day so when I strung it all together you could see the changes.”

Jamie Reines via YouTube

Those 1,400 photos became part of the documentary short, Girls to Men, which chronicles the story of three British transgender individuals who “embark upon extraordinary transformations to fulfill their dream of becoming men.”

Jamie Reines via YouTube

Jamie Reines via YouTube

The full timelapse is worth watching, but if you want to see an incredible bookend, here’s Reines posing in the same hoodie the first day he received his testosterone injections and then three years into his treatments.

Jamie Reines via YouTube

Raines posted an update to his selfie collection, showing what his transition looks like four years on. It’s an amazing timelapse experience—as he slowly develops facial hair and a more defined jawline. The video even includes a song produced by Reines’ girlfriend, Shaaba.

Jamie Reines via YouTube

Raines has continued to post other insightful videos to his blog, answering questions common to other transitioning men such as, “Am I Masculine Enough?”

“This was something I struggled with for a bit right at the beginning of my transition,” he writes on his site. “I knew that masculinity and femininity do not define gender, but what other people would think was something I was self conscious about.”

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