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5 Reasons You Should Care About The Vice Presidential Debate

One of these dudes could be our next president

For those who don’t know, the vice presidential debate will air this Tuesday, October 4 at 9:00 p.m. EST, and will be moderated by CBSN anchor and correspondent Elaine Quijano. While it won’t feature the main stars of this presidential election, it will showcase the two men who are set up for second in command. This upcoming debate is equally if not more important than the presidential debate for the following five reasons:

They’ll Dig Into Specific Policies

While the debate topics for the vice presidential debate weren’t announced in advance this year, they’ll likely focus more on the candidates’ specific policy proposals and less on their personal backgrounds. In previous years, vice presidential debates have focused largely on foreign and domestic policy, so you can assume that Mike Pence and Tim Kaine will address those issues on Tuesday. So, if you’re still wondering how Donald Trump is actually going to build that wall along the Mexican border, this is the debate to watch closely.

You Only Get One Shot

While it varies from year to year, there will only be one vice presidential debate this election season. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will engage in two more presidential debates in the coming weeks (for a total of three), but Tuesday night will be your only chance to see Tim Kaine and Mike Pence go head to head.

One Of These Dudes Could Become President

This one’s pretty obvious. When you’re voting for a candidate to be president, you’re also voting for the possibility of his or her vice becoming president as well. That understanding is all the more important this election considering there are rumors that Trump could quit during his first day in office. And if you’re a believer of the Hillary Clinton health conspiracies, then you might want to know a thing or two about Tim Kaine.

Mike Pence Is Smarter—And More Dangerous—Than You Think

I know what you’re thinking, anyone who willingly agrees to run alongside Donald Trump has to be a lunatic, right? Well, not so fast. You might assume Trump would choose a running mate as blissfully ignorant about politics as he is, but his campaign managers are more strategic than that. Mike Pence is a six-term congressman from Indiana, a crucial swing state, and holds a bachelor’s degree from Hanover College as well as a law degree from Indiana University.

As the governor of Indiana, Mike Pence signed a “religious freedom” bill into law, effectively legalizing same-sex discrimination. During his term, he enacted some of the strictest abortion laws in the nation and established himself early on as a big supporter of the Tea Party. According to The Inquisitr, he also opposes gay marriage, sex education, and government programs in general. And according to Mother Jones, if elected, Trump plans to leave all foreign policy matters in Mike Pence’s hands, making this VP pick one of the most crucial in presidential history.

Tim Kaine Is More Conservative Than You Might Think

The senator from Virginia is a devout Catholic (he was even a Christian missionary at one point), unapologetically pro-life, and a proponent of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He’s not quite the liberal champion Bernie Sanders supporters were hoping for as Clinton’s running mate, but he does draw support from moderates who might be wavering between the two presidential candidates—plus he speaks fluent Spanish as an added bonus. Whichever side you’re on, it will be valuable to learn more about his core values, something you can easily do by watching Tuesday night’s debate.