Other projects forgoing LEED:

Loblolly House, 2007by Kieran Timberlake AssociatesTaylors Island, MarylandThe Loblolly House marks a sea change in prefab design. Prefab is more efficient than traditional construction, but Kieran Timberlake took it further, rethinking the whole process. It used only local materials and manufactured piece of houses that can be taken apart and reused or recycled.
228 East Third Street, 2004by Chris Benedict,New YorkWhile multimillion-dollar luxury LEED-registered condos sprout up all over Manhattan, Benedict eschewed snazzy add-ons in favor of low-cost, high-impact sustainable design. Running hot-water pipes under the floors heats rooms gently without big, energy-sucking fans, and rearranging insulation layers keeps that heat where it belongs.
Ballard Library, 2005by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson,SeattleThe Ballard Library's huge sail of a roof is actually a giant garden with more than 18,000 plants. The roof insulates the building, keeps rainwater from flooding storm drains, and focuses the overall design. Tours of the roof as well as skylights and periscopes in the rooms below mean it's always the center of attention.