After 105-year-old Japanese runner Hidekichi Miyazaki set the record as the oldest competitive sprinter in history, he told reporters he was disappointed.
“I’m not happy with the time,” Miyazaki said, after completing his 100-meter heat in 42.22 seconds. “I started shedding tears during the race because I was going so slowly. Perhaps I’m getting old!”
Miyazaki’s fastest time, which he ran at 103, is still the record for centenarians.
The “Golden Bolt”—the nickname comes from Miyazaki’s penchant for imitating Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt’s signature pose—is hoping to challenge the real Bolt, another world record holder, soon.
If that ambition and dedication to exercise to leaves you feeling less-than-great about your habits, there may be time to turn it around. The 105-year-old didn’t actually start running until he was in his 90s, when the friends with whom he played the Japanese board game “Go” began to pass away.
The secret to Miyazaki’s success (and longevity)? Daily exercise, careful eating, and chewing his food properly, of course.
“The doctors are all surprised. It's all about being in good health," Miyazaki says.
Cover image via youtube screencapture
(Via Reuters)