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Brave Dad Does One Amazing Thing for Daughter Before Dying

He fought to stay alive to help his daughter.

When doctors found a cancerous mass called an astrocytoma in Tom Attwater’s brain the first thing he wanted to know was how much time he had left so he could devote as much of it as possible to his family. His six-year-old step-daughter, Kelli had endured neuroblastoma when she was three months old, again when she was three years old, and doctors believe she will probably relapse. So Attwater vowed to stay alive until he raised $500,000 to make sure she would receive the medical care she needed after he was gone.

After successfully raising the money for Kelli, he had a couple of more things he wanted to accomplish while he still had time. He wanted to marry Kelli’s mom, Joely and have a child together. The first part of this plan was completed in April 2014 when the couple got married, but the second part of the plan took a bit longer. Attwater was concerned that his cancer treatments had made it impossible for him to have children, so he was overjoyed when he found out Joely was pregnant with their son, Fletcher.

Sadly, Tom Attwater passed away Tuesday at home, but not before he had fulfilled some very important promises to the very loved ones that were standing by his side at the end.

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(h/t Aol.)