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Dolly Parton Speaks Out About About North Carolina’s ‘Bathroom Bill’

She couldn’t hold it in

Country music icon Dolly Parton has a long history of standing up for the LGBT community. Her progressive stance on gay rights has been seen as a bold move for a performer in an industry with a huge conservative fan base. Back in 2014, the singer-songwriter spoke out against intolerant Christians saying, “They know that I completely love and accept [gays]...I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love. I don’t think we should be judgmental. Lord, I’ve got enough problems of my own to pass judgment on somebody else,” she said.

So, last week, some were shocked when Parton said she wouldn’t cancel her North Carolina performance scheduled for June 7th. Performers such as Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Boston, Nick Jonas, Pearl Jam and Demi Lovato have all recently canceled performances in the state due to its anti-transgender HB2 “bathroom” law. Parton says her and her band decided to perform in the Tar Heel State because she believes they “will serve better from the stage.”

But just because Parton is playing North Carolina does not mean she supports HB2. While speaking with CNN Money the brassy star came out in support of transgender rights saying, “I don’t judge people and I try not to get too caught up in the controversy of things. I hope that everybody gets a chance to be who and what they are,” she added. And concluded her statement in pure Dolly style saying, “I just know if I have to pee, I’m going to pee—I don’t care where it’s going to be.”

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