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Education: Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup: From the Los Angeles Times: Facing enrollment drop, Burbank Catholic school gets creative in...

Morning Roundup:

From the Los Angeles Times: Facing enrollment drop, Burbank Catholic school gets creative in staffing theater program

By outsourcing teaching positions to professional actors, Providence High has revitalized its drama program, and officials say it could become a model for other financially strapped schools.

From The New York Times: Textbooks That Professors Can Rewrite Digitally
Readers can modify content on the Web, so why not in books? In a kind of Wikipedia of textbooks, Macmillan, one of the five largest publishers of trade books and textbooks, is introducing software called DynamicBooks, which will allow college instructors to edit digital editions of textbooks and customize them for their individual classes.

From the Los Angeles Times: Community colleges must share in higher education recovery
Schwarzenegger's education plan does nothing to help the 110 California community colleges, which provide workforce training and are the practical option for most low-income students.

From The Washington Post: Layoffs loom for teachers: education secretary
Many teachers and educators across the United States are at risk of losing their jobs in the next few months, the nation's education secretary told a meeting of the National Governors Association on Sunday

From The Washington Post: Muslims turning to home schooling in increasing numbers
In the Washington area the number of home-schoolers has exploded in the past five years. Although three-quarters of the nation's estimated 2 million home-schoolers identify themselves as Christian, the number of Muslims is expanding compared with other groups.

Photo (cc) via Flickr user Athena.

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