In the wake of the 1980 Love Canal disaster, the Environmental Protection Agency set up the sexily named "Superfund," a trust to pay for the cleanup of hazardous waste. Today, though 1,315 sites technically qualify for assistance, the cash has dried up. Determined to make the program relevant again, the artist Brooke Singer developed Superfund365, a website she updates daily chronicling places where Americans live at risk of exposure to toxins-with no Superfund help in sight.Singer's cross-country tour started in September at a storage facility in New Jersey (where tar and coal have seeped into the Hudson River) and will end next fall at the Pearl Harbor Naval Complex in Hawaii (where the soil is contaminated with mercury). Superfund365 brings these toxic sites to life with photographs and histories, along with arresting visual breakdowns of EPA data on contaminants. "Superfund receded into the background," Singer says. "But it never died for the people who are affected by these hazards every day."LEARN MORE
The official name is Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act