Ludwick Marishane, the youngest patent holder in South Africa, did not want to take a bath. One day in high school, Marishane and his friends were joking around, imagining ways to get clean without the indignity or waste of time that, as teenage boys, they naturally found bathing to be. With no computer and limited internet access, he began to compile information on various lotions, oils, and skincare products, and eventually, over years, this research became DryBath, a non-water-based bath substitute.
DryBath could potentially change the fates of millions in water-poor areas of the world, making it, as Marishane puts it, “a rich man’s convenience, and a poor man’s lifesaver.” Marishane was named the 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur of the Year for DryBath, and is also the founder of Headboy Industries, an invention-development company.
He says his biggest project for 2013 will be the launch of the DryBath No-Bathing Weekend on July 5, 2013, and he hopes the project’s creative campaign video will go viral.
“Our Indiegogo campaign target of $500,000 qualifies as the biggest crowdfunding target in the world right now, and it's going to be a mission to reach it,” Marishane says. “DryBath is not available to retail customers, and we're using this as a way to get it to them and to raise much-needed awareness in the process.”
Aside from DryBath, Marishane is working on the launch of the world's first entrepreneurship league, organizing sponsors and partners throughout the year for a 2014 launch. He will also be developing an online platform that will revolutionize the music industry and the way music is sold.
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