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GOOD Maker Finalist: Common Cycle Brings Bike Love to Ann Arbor

The nonprofit builds community through biking in one of the most bike-friendly cities in the country.

Residents of Ann Arbor, Michigan live in the state most strongly associated with the automotive industry, but a city that's one of the most bike-friendly in the nation. So what happens when that cold winter climate takes its toll on those bikes? Or when the chains break from so much riding? Or when an Ann Arborist is interested in getting more involved in the cycling community? That's where Common Cycle comes in. The finalist in our GOOD Maker Sharing is the New Owning challenge provides bicycle education and and mobile repair stands for anyone needing a tuneup. But the broader goal, according to board member Parrish Bergquist, is to make cyclists “feel comfortable and safe riding bikes while building a healthy community.”

Common Cycle began with a single “mobile repair stand,” a portable bike workshop that travels around Ann Arbor by bicycle. Volunteers man the station to help customers fix their spokes, cranks, brakes, tires, or anything in need of repair.

Common Cycle founders Piet Kleymeer and Jimmy Raggett didn't stop at repair stands, though. They’ve partnered with the local children's museum to get kids interested in bikes, helped host Bike to Work Day, and won a grant to make the University of Michigan a more sustainable campus. Common Cycle will be installing fix-it stands throughout the campus, with detailed instructions on how to take care of your bike and links and resources to more information. They’re also planning to restore old bikes to as loaners, organize more group rides, and continue offering training sessions.

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