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Help Free Laura Ling and Euna Lee

UPDATE: The American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee face trial in North Korea on June 4th. Read the latest update on their urgent situation and please do help out here.Yesterday, through a post from Mallika Chopra in our Community Blog, we learned about efforts to help the journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who have been detained in North Korea since mid-March. From the post:From what we know, and has been reported in the press, Laura and Euna have now been held separately for over two months in a boarding house outside of the North Korean capital Pyongyang. Without direct relations with N. Korea, the U.S. State Department has in large part relied on a Swedish diplomat who has had two brief meetings with the girls. ...These are two young women who have suffered immeasurably. They have had little to no contact with the outside world since their detainment and are now facing an unimaginable fear as their case is taken to trial in a legal proceeding that has no precedent in North Korea. They are undoubtedly scared, and hoping that those of us back home can do something before their trial.It seems bleak, but there is something you can do to help. Tonight, a series of candlelight vigils will be held across the United States. If you're on Facebook, you can join this group to learn more. You can also follow the story at Twitter. There's also Mallika's Intent post, for those interested in a more creative brand of support.