The work of our nonprofit partners is a source of continual inspiration for us. This is especially true of Kiva, the trailblazing microfinance organization we profiled back in GOOD 001. Last month, you might remember, Kiva Co-founder and Director of Business Development Jessica Flannery spoke at a GOOD event in New York. Today, we learn a little more about Kiva and just what makes Mrs. Flannery tick.What does a $20 donation do for Kiva?Any donation helps us cover our basic operational costs-paying salaries, keeping the lights on, etc. In 2007, for every dollar Kiva received in donations, we raised another $10 online in loans for the poor.What microfinance story is particularly close to you?Any woman who takes a loan, perhaps despite cultural poverty or not being seen as valuable outside the home, is heroic in my eyes. But there are countless entrepreneurs who have inspired me. Every story is unique, every story is important.You seem to be a preternaturally bold person. Do you ever deal with fear? What are your fears, and how do you combat them?I feel afraid and deeply saddened when I see people who don't believe that they matter, or that they can cause change in the world. For Kiva and for myself, I try hard not to let fear ever drive my decision-making. It sounds cliché, but I find great peace and clarity when I remind myself of the things I can control and the things I cannot, and then surrender the latter.Read more of this interview here. Learn more about Kiva here.
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