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Michael Vick Scores 73.5% on Ridiculous PETA-administered "Developing Empathy for Animals" Test

This blog has had way too much PETA coverage of late, sure. But when you find something that's more fun than a barrel of monkeys, you know you're...

This blog has had way too much PETA coverage of late, sure. But when you find something that's more fun than a barrel of monkeys, you know you're gonna play with it.According to Deadspin, after Michael Vick pleaded guilty to charges of dog fighting (and dog abuse/killing), he agreed to enlist in PETA-administered "Developing Empathy for Animals" classes. At the end of his term or semester or whatever, he had to take an exam. He received a 73.5 out of a possible 100. I guess that means he passed (C's get degrees, right?), but not without writing down a few hilarious (and strangely endearing) answers. The most memorable highlight:"Chickens have an uncanny ability to think and are very agile. They are very athletic to me."Read the entire exam-with all of the embattled former quarterback's answers-here (pdf). While you do so, take a moment to ponder the craziness of the whole situation.Image via SI.