Bieber and Kim Kardashian have your best interests at heart, as long as they're exactly the same as their own best interests.
Justin Bieber, consumer advocate?
I'm not sure anything makes sense anymore, to be honest. Maybe it's because I spent a few hours last night researching the virtues of different varieties of diapers, or maybe it's because Kim Kardashian and the Bieb led a successful online revolt against the short-lived and much-maligned new Instagram terms of service. How successful?
According to the New York Post, a quarter of Instagram's most active users split:
Instagram, which peaked at 16.4 million active daily users the week it rolled out its policy change, had fallen to 12.4 million as of yesterday, according to the data.
I guess if we're all brands now, we might as well take our cues from the people who are best at owning and selling their lives for the highest profit.
Photo via Wikimedia Commons.