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Conservatives: "Palin Should Stop Talking Now" New Polling Finds Palin Hugely Unpopular, While Gingrich Questions Her Thinking

In the past 48 hours, both David Frum and Newt Gingrich have advised Palin to think more about the things she says—or just stop saying things.

The tides may be turning for Sarah Palin, whose meteoric rise to success over the past two years have been exciting for some, confounding for others. The latest polling shows that the self-proclaimed "mama grizzly" is now more unpopular than she's been since arriving on the national political scene in 2008, with even diehard conservatives publicly questioning her abilities.

According to a new Gallup Poll, Palin's favorability rating is now just 38 percent, while her unfavorability rating is at 53 percent. Because this notable drop comes on the heels of the former Alaskan governor's latest gaffe, in which she invoked the loaded term "blood libel" to deflect critics saying her fiery language helped cause an attack on a Tucson, Arizona, political event, it's possible that many feel her incendiary rhetoric has grown tiresome. Without a doubt, there was once a large market for the kind of frustrated, anti-big government narrative Palin espoused. But now that the majority of Americans want the GOP and Obama to work together to fix things, her apparent stubbornness to outsiders' ideas seems stale. This is something for all politicians to consider.

One thing is sure: The establishment right is becoming less patient with Palin. In the past 48 hours alone, Newt Gingrich has said Palin needs to "slow down and be more careful and think through what she’s saying and how’s she’s saying it." Conservative pundit David Frum minced words even less: "She should stop talking now," he said, adding that Palin's blood libel video was "a disaster."

photo (cc) via Flickr user sskennel

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