Show someone you care.
The ASSIGNMENTRecommend someone to receive a care package from GOOD.The REQUIREMENTSA list of the package contents.The DETAILSNothing says "I care" like sending a box full of stuff. No, we're not talking about a 1-800-flowers "Spring has Sprung" basket. We are, of course, referring to the care package, and chances are you haven't been exposed to one since your parents tried to ease the guilt of sending you away to summer camp.There is no question that a handpicked box of tchotchkes says more than an e-card ever could. But it seems like that personalized touch has been lost to today's click-of-a-button conveniences. We know you don't have the time to do it right. So, this month's good project has you covered.To PARTICIPATEIn the comments space below, recommend a person or organization, along with a list of suggested items for a care package. Every week, we will go through the list and assemble the packages that we (and you, our readers) like best. And to prove it, we will periodically post photos of the packages we send out.So think carefully about who deserves a surprise in the mail. You might know them, or only know of them-your grandma or Tim Hardaway. You may like them; you may not. Send tough love, or the sweet and tender kind. Recommend practical items, or metaphoric ones. Just nothing perishable or life threatening.We've got the boxes.We're just waiting for your suggestions.Update: Project 004 is now closed. You can view user submissions below.SUBMISSIONS
oh, you pretty things
If challenges turn you guys off my request doesn't stand a chance, but what the heck! I'm giving it a try anyway, in the hopes of earning that care box for the worldwalker in my life. Do I really need to say ours is a very long-distance far-from-perfect relationship? Then again, I can't really think of anyone else who deserves, and will appreciate, that box the most. (my parents still get my phone calls) But this person is one day sleeping on his tent in a small town and the next hiking a mountain, and because he refuses to become a slave of cellphones we don't really talk a lot.-bare with me, I'm almost done-Once in a blue moon he comes to his parents' home in Miami, that will happen in May, so he will get the box if you mail it there, after that who knows where he'll go.If neither the entricacies nor the romantic tone of our love convinces youperhaps the fact that it was He -whose name I do not speak of- who introduced me to your magazine will.If that's the case say "macaroni" just kidding, here's my list-1 small and light pen (for he's always writing postcards and letters)-stamps (for the see-above reasons)-red shoelaces (for he had recently decided to introduce color to his 'shoedrove' when he found himself going through a pond of mud and the red shoelaces he had bought came out, well...far from red...they never recovered the color)-you know that postcard of a naked John Lennon and Yoko embracing, her hair all spread on the floor? He loves it...I do too, so why dont you please two readers instead of one? It's a offer you can't refuse!-1 chocolate chip cookie (he's diabetic so he only gets one you hear me?! One!)-dry nuts-a Fandango gift card (sometimes between buses, hotels and flights he catches a movie)-one pearl earring (without the girl)-if there's any item/accessory (such as a tie, socks, handkerchief, hat) you can find that reads "old man" include that too (i like to tease him, he's 12 years older than me)-and finally, a copy of your most current issue of course.Thanks.(if there's any empty space left in that box make that two chocolate chip cookies, he deserves it after all)
Posted on April 11, 2007 - by Gretchen
mommersI don't know if this will qualify, but when I had finished reading your zine, all I could think of was my mom. She is overworked (2 jobs, one entrepreneurial and one as a secretary part time for an investment firm, not to mention keeping up with my 16 year old sister) and is the only income in our family right now because my stepfather is in prison on what we all think is a rather erroneous charge. All she has time for is work, paying the bills, and writing letters to/visiting my stepdad. Sure, she catches a movie once and a while, or comes to visit me at school, but she is almost always exhausted.
I think if she were to get a care package, it would be composed of these things:-a roll of stamps for mailing letters to my stepdad-a box of chocolate turtles-a roll of quarters for her visits-a quantity of calla lily seeds (or bulbs, i don't know how this particular flower works, or even if these are an expensive request. if they are, feel free to leave them out)-a copy of the current issue of GOOD so that she can read Chains Of Love. ^_^thank you guys so much if you end up doing this,TawnyPosted on April 11, 2007 - by aliceinreality
Dog Days of Summer
This is such a cool and unique idea for your magazine to take on!
How about we honor some of the people who do GOOD every day by volunteering in their communities with homeless shelter animals? I am attaching the wishlist of our local animal shelter and I know they would be thankful for ANYTHING on the list. I can't wait to read all about the care packages you select & send in a future issue! on April 12, 2007 - by Misty
Ankizy Malagasy (Malagasy Kids)
When I saw the notice of this project I immediately thought of Mme. Lucette and the 25 kids that took part in the lunch program that I started as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Madagascar. Alison, The current volunteer is trying to keep the lunch program going, but a recent string of destructive cyclones has made it tough for anyone to help anyone else out. Mme. Lucette is a gutsy woman in her early 30's who, in addition to caring for her own children and step children, has generously donated her time, energy and home to providing lunch 5 days a week to 25 kids who may not get another full meal.
The ideal care package would include: small luxuries for Lucette such as nail polish, nice smelling soaps and uniball pens (she works as a secretary and loved my american pens)items for the kids such as toothbrushes, notebooks, pencils and art suppliesItems for the community library such as childrens books, french-english dictionaries, books in French, maps,and those double-sided adhesive foam squares for mounting posters on the wall (they are the only thing that seem to stick to dirt walls).I am sure the current volunteer would also appreciate some words of encouragement, a copy of Good, some snickers bars and a trashy novel.If anyone wants to support the lunch program by contributing to the rice purchasing fund, please let me know!Lucette's address is:Mme. Lucette RAZANDELINAc/o Alison Mickiewicz, PCVBP 29Station Alaotra, 503MadagascarEast AfricaPosted on April 12, 2007 - by cunites
Make a man out of Dennis Kucinich
Package contents:
- Myoplex- Old Spice- Skoal tinDennis Kucinich2445 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515-3510Posted on April 13, 2007 - by supplypants
GOOD Projects for getting into grad school
Package contents:
- GOOD issues 001 and 002- Canon PowerShot SD Digital ELPH- Letter of recommendation- illy Medium Grind/Medium Roast coffee- Gee's Bend Quilts booklet of 20 self-adhesive postal stamps- RollandHITECH 80 lbs. 8 1/2 x 11 bright white paper- Honest and courageous simplicity- $40,000Beth LundellPosted on April 14, 2007 - by bethisnice
Help families & kids with HIV
Every one's posts look promising. The animal shelters will get my vote every time... As for my wish, I need a moment to think. Its 9:20 on a Friday evening and I've been at my PC all day. I'm too tired to be witty and clever. A brief kitchen break brought me back to my screen to log in a code from an empty green capped soy carton. It is by chance that I have stumbled upon this site and I'm hoping that my eco Karma will allow a package with my chosen contents to be sent to someone or something I feel is deserving. What power. It reminds me of an old episode from the Twilight Zone, the one where they feature a box with a button that grants enormous fortune. The catch is than when someone presses the button a stranger dies. The drama ends with the current victim pushing the button only to find that after receiving the cash the box is given away to someone else who must decide whether they will succumb to greed.It's now 9:37. My vote is to randomly "pay it forward" and send the St. Mary's Family Respite Center a donation of baby food, toddler toys and books. Their mission is to provide relief to HIV-affected families with children. Relief from HIV? They need all the help they can get.https://www.stmarysrespite.orgIt's now 9:51. Good Night all...
Posted on April 20, 2007 - by Boasafa
Forgotten birthday
I'm 25, and have one high school friend who I still exchange birthday presents with. But this year I was out of the country for her birthday, and when I got back I had a long to-do list, and my friend's birthday just hasn't yet made the cut. It was almost a month ago-not long enough to be gloss over, but long enough that it's clearly LATE. A standard present and a "Happy belated birthday" card feels sterile, but I haven't come up with an alternative. This would be perfect! AND, she would jump at joining the GOOD Magazine bandwagon. You'd have a new lifelong sub