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Project: Islands for Islands

Fix a traffic island in your city and we'll send you to an island in the Caribbean. For this project we're asking you to pick an ugly traffic...

Fix a traffic island in your city and we'll send you to an island in the Caribbean.

For this project we're asking you to pick an ugly traffic island in your city and spruce it up-either in Photoshop or in reality. Add a bench or a sculpture, plant some flowers, whatever you can think of to make that neglected pedestrian junkspace more hospitable.The winner will get a vacation to the Caribbean island of Dominica. Read on for the details.UPDATE (1/19/10): The winner has been announced! Many thanks to all the participants. Here's to a future with better traffic islands.UPDATE (1/18/10): Due to the holiday, it's been difficult to get judging for the Project wrapped up, and we're not quite ready to announce the winner. We'll announce the winner tomorrow with a new post that will go up on the homepage at 3pm PST (and a corresponding update here).UPDATE (1/8/10): The Project is closed to submissions now. We'll announce the winner here on Monday, January 18. In the meantime, check out the submissions below. Thanks to all the participants!the OBJECTIVETo make an unpleasant traffic island in your city less so.the ASSIGNMENTTake a BEFORE photo of a traffic island-the uglier the better. Then, use Photoshop or some other image editing software to imagine how it could be improved. Or, even better, actually get to work improving it in reality. Take an AFTER image of your handiwork.the REQUIREMENTSFirst be sure to register here. Then send your BEFORE and AFTER images to projects[at]goodinc[dot]com. Each should be at least 1,000 pixels wide. Any image format works. Include in your email your name, the location of the traffic island, and up to 30 words describing your project. We'll post submissions here as we get them. The deadline for entries is January 7.the PRIZEOh right-the prize. The winner (selected by a panel composed of members of the art and editorial departments at GOOD), will receive two round trip tickets to Dominica on American Airlines, two nights at Calibishie Lodges, and two nights at Shangri-La Resorts, and two free passes to the Aerial Tram rainforest tour.SUBMISSIONSFrom Natale CozzolongoNatale redesigned an island near Mellon Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "This sloped traffic island suffered from isolation and rainwater runoff. A public garden is created through terracing with grass pavers, implementing tool storage, windpower generation, and connecting to sidewalks."Before

From Yunyi ZhangThe inspiration for this traffic island redesign in Walnut Creek, California, "is drawn from a nearby mountain landscape. By using solar powered LED rods, the installation is breathing life into the man-made landscape, which will in turn bringing liveliness to this lonely little traffic island."Before
From Bill BrownBill redesigns an island located in Arabi, Louisiana. According to Bill, "much of the area is still untouched since Katrina, especially things like traffic islands."Before
From Nick TobierNick imagines using the tires that accumulate near traffic islands for "a combination vertical potato farm and french fry stand."Before
From Forrest SmithForrest reimagined the island at the intersection of 18th and Burnside Streets in Portland, Oregon to "create an appealing streetscape, provide opportunities for rainwater filtration, and because the island is also a bus stop, creation of a comfortable space."Before
After (detail)
From Gordon SingletaryGordon proposes to "transform a lackluster traffic island and ten parking spaces in the middle of a downtown [Wilmington, North Carolina] street into a true Public Market Space where you can buy farm produce and craft items made by locals."Before
After (specifications)
After (site plan)
From Ami Keiffer and Paul KnowlesAmi and Paul redesigned an intersection in Spokane, Washington between downtown and Browne's Addition. Their vision "bridges an auto-dominated corridor by connecting two urban neighborhoods with a walking trail, low impact development stormwater treatment with drought-resistant landscaping, and regionally meaningful public art."Before
From Thanayi JacksonThanayi submitted this redesign of the traffic island at University Boulevard and Anne Street in Takoma Park, Maryland and writes "University Boulevard is infamous for its congestion and, well, mess; in particular, broken glass. Broken glass could be recycled into a mosaic and transform a littered traffic island into art."Before
From Geoffrey RavenhillGeoffrey added palm trees, an aquarium, and a hammock to this traffic island at the crossroads of Hot Springs Road and Coast Village Road in Santa Barbara, California. It is, he writes, "an attempt to give commuters and the community an ever-changing colorful display of nature in action. An opportunity to create dreams. A literal tropical island paradise."Before
From Marjory Garrison and Brendan RavenhillThe island is at the intersection of Harris Avenue and Providence Place. Marjory writes "Arrr! An urban ship o'fortune that turns pedestrians into rogue gardeners. Launch toy paratroopers an' seed bombs from th' deck to help reclaim th' abandoned lot across th' avenue!"Before
From Jonathan FordJonathan's design, for the intersection of Irving Avenue, Humboldt Avenue, and Cole Avenue, in Providence, Rhode Island "is intended to be the first in a city-wide green reclamation series, reclaiming extra pavement from the city of Providence's awkward intersections and forgotten spaces and turning it over to enhance the public realm."Before
Before (aerial)
From Travis EslickTravis tackled an entire series of traffic islands along East 5th Place between South Harvard Avenue and South Pittsburg Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma. "Intermingled along the traffic islands will be a variety of low-water, low-maintenance native plants, grasses, community designed sculptures, and LED solar lights for safety and sustainability."Before
After (detail)
Our friends from Dominica sent us some more information about the island-it sounds pretty incredible:
Dominica is referred to as the Nature Isle for its unspoiled natural beauty. Located in the Lesser Antilles, it was the first country to receive the coveted Green Globe 21 certification and the Morne Trois Pitons National Park was the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Eastern Caribbean. The island is an outdoor lover's paradise featuring national parks, dense rainforests, hidden lakes, over 365 rivers, secret waterfalls, and many exotic plant and animal species. To learn more go to and to officially register for the Project go here.

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