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Project: Take a Photo of Your Favorite Vintage Sign in Los Angeles

From the marquees of Hollywood to the bodegas of East L.A, we want to see the most beautiful and bizarre vintage signs that Los Angeles has to offer.

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs. Especially in Los Angeles. From the strobe-like marquees of Hollywood to the stenciled bodegas of East L.A., at their best our signs serve as an urban gallery of everyday art. Signs in need of saving have also been in the news a lot lately, from our story on the restoration of the Highland Theatre, to the illumination of Jensen's Recreation Center. So we're partnering with Hidden Los Angeles, which shows us the rich backstory of L.A. every single day, to find L.A.'s most interesting vintage signs.

We want to see the most beautiful and bizarre vintage signs that Los Angeles has to offer. Maybe it's the flashy neon of downtown theaters, the weathered vinyl signifying strip malls, the hand-painted letters over pupuserias, or that big H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D on the hill (it counts!). Show us the incredible diversity found in Los Angeles when it comes to our signage.

Send us your best vintage sign photo, along with a caption letting us know where it was taken and why it spoke to you. It would be awesome if you could tell us a little history about the sign itself, as well. We'll let you use your best judgment when it comes to defining "vintage." But it must be an actual sign: murals, ads, billboards, and street signs are not eligible.

Please submit your photo and caption including the location here. By submitting, you'll be signed up for GOOD LA, our one-good-LA-thing-per-day email. Your photo can be in any image format, but it should be at least 800 pixels wide (if horizontal) or 600 pixels tall (if vertical) at 72 dpi. We’ll take submissions now through Monday, June 13. Then we'll post the best photos in a crowdsourced Picture Show later that week and let you vote for the best. The winner will get two tickets to the Los Angeles Conservancy's "Last Remaining Seats" series that shows films in downtown's historic movie theaters, many of which have gorgeous signs.

Photo of The Frolic Room in Hollywood by Keith Scharwath

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