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Score: Malaria Nets Reach Central African Republic

Nothing But Nets reports good news about the spread of malaria nets in the Central African Republic

Good news today on malaria efforts in the Central African Republic.

The Nothing But Nets campaign and United Nations partner Population Services International report that at end of 2010, hundreds of thousands of nets were delivered to families in the Central African Republic. Nothing But Nets website reports that:

Last year, the UN identified an immediate need for anti-malaria nets in Central African Republic due to its location, proximity to conflict-ridden countries, and vulnerability to flooding. C.A.R. also hosts a large population of displaced persons, who are particularly susceptible to contracting malaria.

Through a combination of social media, Facebook fundraising events, and a Malaria Town Hall with Mandy Moore, life-saving nets are now widely in use in the C.A.R.