This news seems somewhat ironic in light of our recent Transparency video, but technology giants are banding together to fight governments censoring what their citizens can say and view on the Internet. Some heavy-hitters involved in the new human rights consortium: Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! Companies known to sell web-filtering software to civil-liberty-stripping regimes: Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! (Hmmm ...)Well, according to the new pact they entered into, the companies have two years to change their ways. The newly formed Global Network Initiative seeks to bring oppressed web users the freedom to surf like their brethren in other countries--forcing censor-happy governments to align their standards with internationally accepted laws. The announcement of the free speech endeavor helps mark the 60th Anniversary year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted at the United Nations on Dec. 10, 1948.Via Scientific American's 60-Second Science Blog.(Photo from Flickr user M3Li55)
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