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This California City Councilwoman Called for Muslim Americans to Be Killed Villa Park City Council Member Deborah Pauly Suggested that Muslims Should Be Killed

Should this city council member resign after talking about murdering Americans?

A reader points out that the death threat in our rundown of hatespeech spewed at a recent anti-Muslim rally in California was courtesy of none other than Deborah Pauly, a city council member elected to represent Villa Park (in California's Orange County). Why is an American elected official making death threats against other Americans?

Pauly, a self-proclaimed Tea Party member, was only elected in 2010, but she's already making a splash. Last March she compared the Affordable Care Act to anal rape. And in February of this year, at a protest against an Islamic charity fundraiser, Pauly, whose son is a Marine, said she knows "quite a few Marines who would be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise." In other words, her son and some of his friends would be happy to execute the Muslim-American men, women, and children in attendance at the charity function. This is crazy—even by the standards of the typically reactionary O.C.

Once again: Why is an American elected official saying she would like to see other American citizens murdered?

Calls and e-mails to Pauly's office have not been returned, but we'll continue to deliver them and hope for a response.

One last thing worth noting: U.S. Congressman Gary Miller shared a stage with Pauly that day, telling her and her supporters, "I am proud of what you are doing."

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