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Vivienne Westwood Staged an Anti-Fracking, Anti-Austerity Protest at Her Own Fashion Show

The famed designer led a march to the venue at London Fashion Week.

At London Fashion Week on Sunday, Dame Vivienna Westwood, the punk fashion designer who is no stranger to making political statements, staged a protest at her own goddamn show. Titled “Politicians R Criminals”, the Vivienne Westwood Red Label show was inaugurated with a march down the street, led by Westwood herself, who was thronged by models wearing her designs and carrying signs that announced, “Austerity is a crime!” and “Climate revolution!” Filing into the venue, the models monitored the runway from above and than accompanied Westwood on the closing walk.

Earlier this year, the activist fashion designer participated in another anti-fracking protest in support of the non-profit organization Talk Fracking, which is headed by her very own son, Joe Corre. But Westwood has always been on the frontlines of progressive issues. Two years, she dedicated an entire fashion line to Chelsea Manning. Just last year, she shaved off her signature fiery red hair for climate change awareness (and then donned a culturally-appropriate feather headdress on her bald head. Oops.) The 74-year old maven has also raised support for nuclear disarmament and led camapigns for the presrvation of civil liberties.