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#30DaysofGOOD Challenge: 7. Buy a Friend a Gift Under $5

Each month, we challenge our community to do something that will improve the world around us—and our own lives. September's challenge? To connect.

Welcome to The GOOD 30-Day Challenge (#30DaysofGOOD). Each month, we challenge our community members to do something that will improve the world around us—and our own lives. The challenge for September? To connect with other people. In an effort to help us all rise to the occasion, we're going to assign one small task every day. Each morning, we will post the challenge on and Twitter, along with a testimonial from someone on the GOOD team who's already completed it. We invite you to complete all 30 mini-challenges with us! Today, we challenge you to:

Buy a friend a gift under $5.

Five dollars? I spend that much on my morning coffee. So I decided to skip the caffeine fix for a day, and I ventured out to buy my best friend Gaby a gift. I ended up surprised at just how far $5 could go. I found a sticker store at the Original Farmers Market, which meant I could purchase multiple items. Score!

Gaby's vacationing in Mexico for a month, so I wanted to get her something to do with her agenda.

Here's what I bought:

Gaby and I both love graphic design, so it makes sense that we tell stories visually. In fact, we each have an app that gives us 300 emoticons to text with pictures instead of words. Sadly, the app doesn't include icons to tell visual stories about Mexico, so I bought these stickers to fill in the blanks. Yes, some are cheesy (we are both Mexican, we know). But the smile she will get when she opens the envelope from across the country is worth much, much more than the five dollars I spent on it.
I should skip the coffee more often.

- Renee Solorzano


Ready, set, go! Good luck completing today's challenge. Share your experience on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook by using the hashtag #30DaysofGOOD, or let us know how it went in the comments section below.

Tomorrow's challenge: Have a conversation with a Twitter friend that is longer than 140 characters.

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