A Climatic Bonanza
EPA self-corrects, Big Coal trembles Last week the Environmental Protection Agency dropped a legal bombshell on Big Coal last week in the unlikely form of a ruling from its Appeals Board. The decision (pdf), which requires that carbon dioxide be recognized as a pollutant in the EPA's permitting process,..
By Ben JerveyNov 21, 2008
Ben Jervey
Ben is a writer and editor covering climate change, energy, and environment, and is currently the Climate and Energy Media Fellow at Vermont Law School. He was the original Environment Editor at GOOD Magazine and his work has appeared regularly in National Geographic News, Grist, DeSmogBlog, and OnEarth. He recently worked with the non-profit Focus the Nation to publish an Energy 101 primer. When living in New York City, he wrote a book, The Big Green Apple, on how to live a lower impact life in the city. A bicycle enthusiast, Ben has ridden across the United States and through much of Europe.