It’s a matter of fact that cultural commentator, video game critic, and host of Feminist Frequency Anita Sarkeesian takes a lot of shit from her haters. But, unless you’re a woman who speaks publicly on feminist issues, you might not be able to conceptualize how much shit she takes on a daily basis. Yesterday, on her blog, she gave us a taste of what her online experience entails, posting a week’s worth of savage threats and violent language that were filling up her Twitter mentions. The extremely crude, abusive tweets number 157, and they often threaten rape and sexual assault. Many of them wished her dead. The words “bitch” and “whore” were deployed frequently. She’s told she deserves all the threats she gets. The tweets will not be posted here, but you can find them on Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency Tumblr blog.
These tweets represent only what Sarkeesian recieves on Twitter—it’s a nightmare to consider that she probably recieves similar messages on Facebook and via her email address. The experience of reading these tweets, even when they’re not lobbed at you, is extremely dismaying. Being the direct target of so much hate on such a consistent basis must be a completely demoralizing experience. But Sarkeesian forges on.